Tired of feeling like there is never enough time for you? I help you find it by starting from within.
Can we talk?
Listen….being a busy mid-life woman you are probably feeling tired, dealing with the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause, little time to have “me time” all the while juggling work, home, life and your weight. You want that something that sparks a change in your life, right?
You want to wake up in the morning feeling energized, managing your hormonal roller coaster, enjoying your routine, moving your body, putting yourself a priority, and stillhave time to relax.
I hear you sister, loud and clear. The truth is, you already have that something in you. You just need to learn how to access it.
Let me show you how...
Hey! I'm Lisa
I help the midlife woman who is overwhelmed, overworked, and overweight create their personal work and home life balance strategy, so they can put themselves as a first priority and become the healthier version of themselves.
As a Wellness & Self-Love Coach, I put you in the driver seat where I can support you on your journey. My support goes a long way but you need to want to change. It takes time and a willingness to work through those roadblocks, but I’ll be cheering you along the way.
Let me tell you a secret, I too had a coach who helped me with my roadblocks and I still check in with her when I need some support or a different perspective. My coaching style is more like we are friends and our friendship is based on honesty and trust.
I will be here for you, but you have to be here for yourself too.
My Journey
My self-love and wellness journey began during a very chaotic moment in my life. I was working towards my master’s degree in Psychology, excited to become a couples’ and family therapist. At the same time, I was raising a 4-year-old son, running a household, and overweight.
I was exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, and none of the weight loss protocols that I tried worked out for me. I knew that getting in shape would be a catalyst for the rest of my self-improvement, yet there was no personal trainer that could give me the results I was seeking. I felt like I was running in circles.
What I didn’t realize is how many excuses I was constantly making for not prioritizing my health and wellbeing.
Once I started seeing a health coach, I realized how much my mindset and beliefs had a direct impact on my weight loss. As I started making more time for myself, it became clearer.
Across all my weight loss efforts, I was always missing self-love and a greater WHY. This epiphany inspired me to become a health coach and help other women reclaim their lives through the power of self-love.
Today, after losing 40+ pounds and having helped hundreds of women reconnect to their values, I am here to share my secrets to loving yourself for personal growth. I am a certified personal health and wellness coach with a master’s degree in Psychology that empowers women to be the creators of their self-development journey.
I help midlife women start from within, developing a strong set of beliefs that inspire transformation. Together, we face your thoughts and emotions in a safe, loving, and compassionate environment. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that once you start living from a place of self-love, you can achieve true peace, joy, and wellbeing.
My Why
I know how much easier it is to focus on the external (your weight, your never-ending list of chores, your workload) rather than your feelings. Unfortunately, that doesn’t get you results.
For the longest time, I didn’t see how my thoughts played a major role in my wellness journey. And it wasn’t until I started actively changing them that I started to see massive shifts in all aspects of my life.
I want to tell every woman who is struggling to have a healthier life that there is another way. Whether that is making more time to do what you love, or simply shedding that extra weight, you can do it. You just have to start from within.
I created Luna Wellness to help women prioritize themselves through self-love, helping them bring balance back to their lives. I believe that through accountability and consistency, any woman can be strong, confident, and self-motivated.
Because every woman deserves to feel like her most radiant self.
Are you ready to transform your mindset & wellness?
Fun Facts About Me:
What do you like to do for fun?
I love reading, whether that is romance, mysteries, or learning about neuroscience, I can spend hours reading. I also enjoy running and pushing myself. For my birthday every year I run 6 miles. I've been doing this since I started running.
What is one thing that people don’t know about you?
I want to get up and do a karaoke.
My title to wellness and self-love coach?
Scorpio. I love this sign. Being a Scorpio you love mystery and want to know how things work and that is so me. I think if I wasn't a wellness and mindset coach I would be working in a lab
What is your favorite scary movie?
I love the old classics such as Halloween or The Thing
What are you most proud of in your business?
I was interviewed in my city’s local newspaper for opening a wellness spa. It was great and we sure got a lot of business from it.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
Ahhh. to go to Rome, Paris, and England all in one big trip. I already went to Hawaii and New York. I want to go before my son graduates from high school.